Wednesday, September 26, 2012


In light of my last two submissions I thought this just might be appropriate. It's not exactly poetry, but the words ring just as true for me.

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."

The life of a college freshman seems to me to be absolutely overwhelming, but keeping this in mind, I suppose it should be a little easier. There will be things I cannot change, like the actions of others, there will be things I can change, like my own reactions, all I ask from the universe, whether you believe in God, Allah, Karma, Buddha, or a flying grilled cheese, is the wisdom to remember that there is a difference, some things are out of my control, but there are things that are within my control.

Be A Man!

This is a draft of a Facebook message that I was going to send to my roommate and best friend's now ex-boyfriend. Common sense prevailed and I didn't send it, but it will most likely be cathartic to post it somewhere:
"Let me just say that I am so glad I don't have to deal with you and your childish insecurity anymore. I stood by and supported my friend because she loves you, but thank GOD she has finally seen that you haven't changed! And you probably never will. You are the same possessive insecure jerk you were last time! And HOW DARE YOU call her selfish! Relationships are about give and take and its obvious that your childish mind can only comprehend the fact that, to you, she wasn't giving enough, well neither were you. Like I said I stood by and watched, trying to be supportive, as you two gave this another go, but thank GOD I don't have to watch YOU hurt someone who I love like family. You may have thought that you loved her but you acted like you wanted to own her. Which is ridiculous! Grow up! Man up! I don't care what you do! But grow a pair and stop blaming Cheyenne for everything that went wrong. She said she changed, and she did, this time she didn't need you. You CLAIMED to have changed, but guess what you didn't. You did all this "growing" and "changing" and still you have the gall to blame her for everything. That is bull and you know it!"

Oh the catharsis. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life is Like a Country Album

I thought for my first entry into my commonplace book, I'd make a more personal entry, as to give this a more intimate feel than a school assignment.
Some days my life is all bright and shiny, driving down the road, singing along with the radio about "Gettin' Down on the Farm" with Tim McGraw. Other days, like today, if my life were a movie my soundtrack would be not so happy, not so shiny. More akin to songs like "I'm Over You" by Chris Young, or like "Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" by Luke Bryan, singing vehemently that there isn't "any reason running after something that's already gone."
While musing about this particular topic a song came to mind, a song that has been used in popular culture on more than one occasion. The song rambles on about how glad a man is that he lives in Tennessee because all of his past loves still live in Texas. That's right, "All My Ex's Live in Texas" by the  King himself, George Strait, and after today I am entirely envious of his proximity to said former loves.
However I think I will endeavor to take a page out of a Gary Allen song: "
I'm still learning how to pray
Trying hard not to stray
Try to see things your way
I'm still learning how to pray
I'm still learning how to trust
I'm still learning how to bend
It's all in someone else's hands
There's always been a bigger plan
But I don't need to understand
I'm still learning to bend"
Therefore I like to think of life as a Country Album, there will be some happy songs, some sad songs, some angry as hell songs, and who knows maybe even a love song or two. Well, a girl can hope.